Start time :

Confirm time with the local provider in advance of your experience.

Opening hours :

Every day from 8 am to sunset

End point :

This activity ends back at the meeting point.

Cancellation policy

  1. if the guest canceled the reservation before 7 days will get back 100% of his payment.
  2. If the guest canceled the reservation before 24 hours will get back 50% of his payment.
  3. If the guest get late to his reservation the time will be taken from his remaining time.
  4. If the guest didn’t come to his reservation will not get back any amount.
  5. The guest will get back 100% of his payment In bad weather or reserve other day if he would like.

If you have any questions, please fell free to get in touch with us.
We will reply to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

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